Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sry to u. (1-9-09)

Wat the hell?
Why they very like do tat kind of thing?
Do u care about my feeling ?
When u all do tat..
Pls think for me pls.
I know u all jus hav fun...
but for me ...
Sorry to ''u''...
today do my fren play like tat wif u..
i don know u wat ur feeling...
but... sorry better then no..
i feel very 'no face' oso...
Now damnit moodless but no why....
Haiz god help me pls...

1 comment:

♥Vnis mike said...

sozaii lun~~~~`
dunwan sad arr~
got me ma~
dunwan 2 miss me~
i will very paiseh de